Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sacred Sun, Sacred Rest

This weather reminds me of Seattle. Red's from Seattle.
It was gray and wet outside and I was happy for that. Gray skies and wet pavement means rest and warm beds and warm coffee, hours of drawing and creating and reading and naps, candles and slow movements; the silent presence of my housemates as we all independently do whatever we'd like. Motionless on the couches except for the turning of pages, on the floor of a bedroom wrapped in throw blankets; silent, but together.
I took my first outdoor breath to a brilliant gold, my favorite color. The sun was setting, Do you feel that?! It's chilly out here! She said this with a smile as radiant and gentle as the light that illuminated her hair and eyes and skin, The pavement was puddled, the sun was staring at Herself in a watery reflection. The earth was enlightened, the sun kissed us above our heads, from across the freeway, in the shallow puddles under our feet.
This day of rest was Sacred. This moment told me that all is good and all is awakening. This moment told me that I am brilliant, that the very essence of all that was beautiful in this external moment exists inside of all of us as well, and my heart beat a little quicker and my eyes gulped and swallowed as much as it could and I felt content. I felt present and I gave into my heart's longing to just be, to just exist. 

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